My wife and I grow a lot of flowers: dahlias, ranunculuses, poppies, snapdragons, straw flowers, and more. Okay, I mainly move the dirt. My wife grows the flowers. To practice some backend web development, I set out to make a website that serves primarily as a catalog of those flowers and secondarily as a store front. The market for dahlia tubers and cuttings is intense, with the boutique cuttings going for $35 a piece and selling out in seconds.
But before getting to the storefront aspect, I wanted to implement a few things:
- Search. Most of the small dahlia shops either lack a search function or have it but it's broken. So I wanted to try out a couple of implementations.
- Admin. A way to manage the database through the website. Unsurprisingly, there's already a package that extends Flask for this: Flask-Admin.
- HTMX. Since I'm mainly invested in backend work, I'd like to keep the frontend scripting to a minimum. This is where HTMX comes in: it provides attributes for use within HTML element tags. Cool!
- TailwindCSS. Despite my focus on the backend, I do still enjoy tinkering with CSS and frontend design. I wanted to try out TailwindCSS, which uses utility classes to apply CSS in-line with HTML elements.
In this series, I will go over parts of the build process. There are excellent tutorials for Flask, like Corey Schafer's on YouTube and Miguel Grinberg's Flask Mega-Tutorial. So I will forego things like templates, routes, and forms. To see how all that works together in my case, the code is available on GitHub.
In this first part, I explain the "Catalog" page, which displays the flowers.
Flowers in the Database
My approach to managing the flowers mostly follows Miguel Grinberg's tutorial. He makes use of an extension he wrote called Flask-Migrate, which integrates Alembic with Flask, to manage modifications made to the underlying database models. This made upgrading my SQLite database straightfoward, something I did a handful of times as I figured out more fields to add to the Flower table. I also use the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension to work with SQLAlchemy's ORM within Flask.
With the database setup, I need to populate it with some data for
development. For this, I have a pair of functions defined in cli.py
These are both made available through the application’s run.py
at the root directory of the project:
from flower_store import cli, create_app, db
from flower_store.models import Flower, User
app = create_app()
def make_shell_context():
"""When the `flask shell` command runs, it invokes this function and
registers the dictionary of items returned. Thus, the database instance
'db' can be accessed in the shell session as 'db', and likewise for the
SQLAlchemy models 'Flower' and 'User'.
return {
"db": db,
"Flower": Flower,
"User": User,
For this to work, the FLASK_APP
environment variable needs to be set to
. This is done with a line in .flaskenv
at the project’s root
Any CLI commands I set up using click
(one of Flask’s dependencies) can
now be run as secondary commands with flask
import os
from random import randint, shuffle
from flask import current_app
from flower_store import db
from flower_store.models import Flower
def register(app):
def populate_flowers():
"""Populates the database with Flowers for the sake of development."""
flowers = [
"Bride To Be",
"Café au Lait",
"Daddy's Girl",
"Foxy Lady",
"Ice Tea",
"KA's Bella Luna",
"KA's Blood Orange",
"KA's Boho Peach",
"KA's Cloud",
"KA's Mocha Jake",
"KA's Mocha Maya",
"Mai Tai",
"Straw flower",
# Make sure `flower` table exists
if not db.inspect(db.engine).has_table("flower"):
print("Flower table does not exist. Run `flask db upgrade`")
# Clear Flower table
for flower in flowers:
if flower == "Straw flower":
stock=randint(0, 10),
elif flower == "Ranunculus":
stock=randint(0, 10),
stock=randint(0, 10),
price=float(str(randint(1, 35)) + "." + str(randint(0, 99))),
# Update elasticsearch index.
if current_app.elasticsearch:
entry = Flower.query.filter_by(name=flower).first()
index="flower", id=entry.id, document={"name": flower}, timeout=30
The above can be run at the command line with flask pop-flowers
Now, on to the website. The "Catalog" portion of the website spans several files:
- src/flower_store/catalog.py
- src/flower_store/templates/catalog.html
- src/flower_store/templates/results.html
- src/flower_store/templates/_flower.html
The catalog.py
module comprises the catalog Flask blueprint and
associated routes. I'll get to that in the next section. The three
templates are nested via Jinja2 templates.
This template serves as a kind of landing page for the actual content. Here it is:
{% extends "base.html" %} {% block header %} Catalog {% endblock header %}
{%block content %} {% include "results.html" %} {% endblock content %}
It provides some text that the base layout styles as a title for the page. Then it is itself extended by the results template.
The results template does two things: it serves up flower cards in a CSS
grid and it displays pagination links in a nav
section. It will be
reused by the catalog, search, and in-stock routes. The whole template
is framed inside an if statement. That way, if there are no flowers
provided by the Flask app's render_template
function, it will skip
over that HTML and instead display some spacing to buffer against the
website's footer.
Here's the main portion:
{% if flowers is defined and flowers|length>0 %}
<div class="grid sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 2xl:grid-cols-4 gap-10">
{% for flower in flowers %} {% include "_flower.html" %} {% endfor %}
We'll get to where the flowers
data comes from after going over the
templates. This snippet displays a grid and populates it with
templated content generated by a for
loop. Here's our
first use of TailwindCSS's utility classes:
<div class="grid sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 2xl:grid-cols-4 gap-10"></div>
This sets the div
tag to display as a grid, and to display a certain
number of columns depending on the screen size. These abbreviated
prefixes show how TailwindCSS handles responsive design: "sm" for
small, "md" for medium, and so forth.
Finally, the individual flower card:
<div class="card">
<a href="{{ url_for('catalog.flower', flower_id=flower.id) }}">
class="w-full h-48 lg:h-72 object-cover"
src="{{ url_for('static', filename='flower_imgs/' + flower.image_file) }}"
<div class="pt-1">
<span class="text-md">{{ flower.name }}</span>
Taking this line-by-line, the first specification we see is a CSS class
called card
. This is defined in static/src/main.css
as a set of
extracted Tailwind classes:
.card {
@apply pb-2 md:w-full text-center bg-white border rounded-md overflow-hidden hover:shadow-lg hover:scale-105 hover:bg-opacity-50 transform ease-out duration-300;
Typically, Tailwind's @apply directive is used to render a set of its utility classes more easily repeatable. I find this to be a funny loop back to regular old CSS. Of course, it's still using Tailwind's utility classes, but it does so entirely through reference to an external stylesheet.
Next, the anchor tag's href
attribute invokes Flask's url_for
{{ url_for('catalog.flower', flower_id=flower.id) }}
Flask's url_for()
function generates a path to the route associated
with "catalog.flower". (More on this next.) The second parameter is
passed as the flower_id
keyword parameter. Remember that the
template is being called within a for
loop in
. That's where the flower
reference comes from. As
we'll see, It references an entry in the database as defined by the
Flask-SQLAlchemy Flower
It gets used two more times in this template: once to generate a path to
the image to display, and again to display the flower's name. Those
attributes: flower.id
, flower.image_file
, and flower.name
are all
attributes in the ORM class that correspond to columns in the Flower
And that's a perfect place to switch over to the catalog blueprint.
Catalog Blueprint
Let's take this in reverse, starting where we left off.
The flower route
At the top of catalog.py
, a Flask Blueprint is instantiated:
bp = Blueprint("catalog", __name__)
This will be used as part of the route decorators and will be registered
in the application factory (the create_app
function in
) via
The _flower
template's url_for
references to catalog.flower
defined as a route in this blueprint:
@bp.route("/catalog/<flower_id>", methods=["GET"])
def flower(flower_id):
"""Individual flower's page."""
flower = Flower.query.filter_by(id=flower_id).first()
image_file = url_for("static", filename="flower_imgs/" + flower.image_file)
return render_template(
"full_flower.html", title=flower.name, flower=flower, image_file=image_file
So, the template's url_for
call establishes a route that in turn
calls this function, decorated with a Flask route. The route has a
variable in angled brackets called flower_id
, which corresponds to the
keyword parameter of the view function flower
. When clicking on the
link, the full_flower.html
template is returned along with some
additional data that the template can make use of.
The catalog route
Moving up the nested hierarchy of templates, results.html
provides the
individual flower objects by iterating over some data structure
referenced as flowers
. Recall that the catalog.html
template wraps
the results.html
template, passing along flowers
. (This separation
is so that results.html
can be used by other routes, namely those for
search and displaying in-stock flowers.) To see where flowers
from, let's take a look at the /catalog
@bp.route("/catalog", methods=["GET"])
def catalog():
"""The catalog page shows all flowers in the database regardless of
page = request.args.get("page", 1, type=int)
flowers = Flower.query.order_by(Flower.name).paginate(
page=page, per_page=current_app.config["PER_PAGE"], error_out=False
next_url = (
url_for("catalog.catalog", page=flowers.next_num) if flowers.has_next else None
prev_url = (
url_for("catalog.catalog", page=flowers.prev_num) if flowers.has_prev else None
return render_template(
In order to handle paginated results in a dynamic fashion, this view
function interacts with a flask_sqlalchemy.pagination.QueryPagination
object, referenced by the name flowers
. The URLs for those pages, if
they exist, are themselves calls to this same view function—hence,
url_for("catalog.catalog", page=flowers.next_num)
. As Miguel Grinberg
the first line of code defines page
as either the current page (to be
found in the URL: .../catalog?page=2
, for example) or a default of 1.
This page
value therefore handles which page of results from the
call get passed to the template and thus displayed. The
function call in turn passes those flowers along as a
list of Flower
model objects. (This can be confirmed within the
flask shell
environment, where type(flowers.items[0])
<class 'flower_store.models.Flower'>
Next up
That was by no means exhaustive, but I hope it provides some helpful explanation of how the lessons from popular Flask tutorials can be tweaked into new form. Next, I'll be going over how I implemented search .